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Navigating Workplace Harassment

Workplace Harassment

A Comprehensive Guide for Employees and Employers

In an ideal workplace, employees should feel safe, respected, and valued. Unfortunately, workplace harassment can disrupt this ideal environment, affecting not only the victims but the entire organization. Not only does this blog aim to provide a comprehensive guide for both employees and employers on navigating workplace harassment, but it also addresses concerns, offers solutions, and promotes a healthy work culture.

For Employees

How to Report Workplace Harassment:

  1. Document Incidents

Start by documenting each incident of harassment. Note down dates, times, locations, and the individuals involved. This will provide a clear timeline and evidence.

  1. Follow Company Procedures

Report the harassment to your immediate supervisor or HR department following your company’s established procedures.

  1. Internal Escalation if Needed

If your concerns are not adequately addressed at the initial level, be prepared to escalate the matter. Follow the established protocol for escalating workplace harassment complaints to a higher authority within the organization. This may involve seeking assistance from upper management or a dedicated HR representative.

If you’re experiencing workplace harassment, reporting it promptly is crucial. 

How to Prove Harassment in the Workplace:

  1. Documentation is Crucial

Keep detailed records of incidents, dates, and individuals involved to establish a comprehensive account.

  1. Save Communication Evidence

Preserve any form of communication that could serve as evidence. This includes saving emails, text messages, or any other written or recorded exchanges related to the harassment.

  1. Gather Witness Statements

If possible, gather statements from witnesses who have observed the harassment. Having statements from witnesses can greatly strengthen your case by offering extra perspectives and credibility.

  1. Record Changes in the Work Environment

Keep a record of any relevant changes in your work environment that may be connected to the harassment. This could include changes in behavior, work assignments, or any other factors that contribute to a hostile work environment.

  1. Consult with an Employment Attorney

To build a strong case, seek guidance from an employment attorney. They can help you understand the legal elements necessary for proving workplace harassment and provide invaluable assistance throughout the process.

Can You Sue for Workplace Harassment? How Much Can You Sue For?

Yes, you can sue for workplace harassment. The legal remedies available depend on the severity and impact of the harassment. Damages may include compensation for emotional distress, lost wages, and punitive damages. Consult with an attorney to assess the specifics of your case and determine the appropriate course of action.

What Should You Do If You Witness Workplace Harassment?

If you witness workplace harassment, don’t stay silent. Support the victim by encouraging them to report the incident and offer to be a witness. Document what you observed and report it to HR or management. It’s illegal to retaliate against witnesses, so make sure you know your company’s policies protecting whistleblowers.

For Employers

How to Prevent Sexual Harassment in the Workplace:

Preventing workplace harassment starts with a proactive approach. 

  • Establish a clear anti-harassment policy and provide workplace harassment training to employees.
  • Encourage an open-door policy, where employees feel comfortable reporting concerns.
  • Foster a culture of respect and inclusivity, making it clear that harassment will not be tolerated.

How to Handle Harassment in the Workplace:

If someone reports harassment, take it seriously. Investigate thoroughly and fairly, keeping everything confidential. If the complaint is proven true, take the right action. Let everyone involved know the outcome and offer ongoing support.

Need Legal Help?

Navigating workplace harassment is a complex and challenging journey. At Shaumyan & Derbarseghian, LLP, we specialize in employment law and are committed to advocating for the rights of employees facing workplace harassment.

If you find yourself a victim of workplace harassment, or if you are an employer seeking guidance on creating a harassment-free environment, we are here to help. Our experienced team of employment law attorneys are dedicated to providing you with the support and legal representation you need.

Schedule a Free Consultation

Take the first step towards resolution by scheduling a free consultation with one of our experienced attorneys.

To schedule your free consultation, call us at (818)746-3764 or fill out our online consultation request form below.


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At Shaumyan & Derbarseghian LLP, we are committed to providing unparalleled legal services to the Glendale community and beyond. With a legacy of excellence and a passion for justice, we have established ourselves as a prominent law firm that clients can rely on for a wide range of legal needs. Our dedicated team of experienced attorneys is well-equipped to handle complex legal matters across various practice areas, including personal injury, employment law, business litigation, insurance, estate planning, and more.

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